Thursday, 17 March 2016


Claudia wants a watch so she 'knows how fast she has to walk to get to school'. She is promised one for her birthday in a few weeks. Until then:
"As long as you leave by 8:30, you will have plenty of time to play at school. If you leave after then, I will take you." (It's 8:10)
"Well go get dressed then!"
I get ready. It's now 8:25. I go and sit at the pc. In she comes.
"I want to be at school by 8:30. Hurry up or we'll be late!"
This was not the agreement, but I am dressed so I get up. I start looking for the keys. They are not is any of the usual places and retracing yesterday's steps does not help.
"Mummy, I am going to school. I can't wait for you!" She goes to the front gate. "You should be ready!"
"I am ready, I just can't find the keys! How was I supposed to know that I wouldn't be able to find the keys??"
"You went on the computer. You know you shouldn't go on the computer until you're COMPLETELY ready!" And off she goes.

Although I am unnecessarily dressed, she has walked to school on her own by her own choice. Without the watch. I consider this a win.

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